Falling in Love, Being In love, Falling out of love.. the physical process
First I would like to thank Frank for allowing me, for Gifting me the pure and genuine experiences of Falling and Being In-Love so that the wisdom of the event could flood upward thru my senses and become an outward expression of understanding.
Isn't it peculiar when one first experiences the presence of love connecting and co-mingling with our presence of love we call the process... which for the physical body is a chemical process.. for the spirit.. it is a re-membering process... we call this process Falling In Love.
In a way... we are falling... like walking off the edge of the cliff into the obis of the unknown... the yet unexperienced... and into the potential of the freefall of the event.
And then we land... and feel... and experience... and truly in ever aspect of the term... are In Love.
Love is our purest form of Who We Are. Our Love in the physical form is constantly seeking out others that vibrate to that Love frequency and our intention in this human body, in the loving experience of life... is to attract to us those who will help us more clearly re-member who We Are in body and in spirit. With this experience, I am going to use me (lisa..smile) as the example...
I can firmly stand in my own Presence and state with clarity... I know Who I Am on all levels of Being. However, knowing Who I Am in this moment does not allow me the experience of experiencing Being Who I Am on all levels. And so, from that deepest, purest part of myself... I started to send out signals (actually demands,...smile) about 4 months ago... about August of 2006) of wanting to express who I am to learn more of my physical expression of Who I Am and what the Physical Expression... when joined with the presence of another would unleash with potential.
And so.. that vibration was felt... met, and acted upon by a soul named Frank.
Thru a few phone conversations (we had not met yet at this point, his first contact was via phone)... I could see and feel my own chemical make-up start to change. I could feel my very Being excited with each moment of conscious exchange with him (phone calls). I knew something bigger was happening... and the one thing I know if it is happening to me, it has to be happening to him too.
We thought we were merely forming a business alliance... lol, in a sense isn't that what all relationships really are? The end result being Awareness of Self, even if it is unconsciously. You have created a new product together... You.
He came into my world in Sept of 2006 and we met for the first time Nov of 2006 with many phone calls in between the span of time.... each experiencing this oneness that was happening... the re-union of soul energy (even as it was unconsciously).
When we met... some how 4 hours slipped away in the feeling of 10 minutes... the conversation and excitement never fell to a lull... it expanded and moved outward with every beat of the heart....
And we talked more on the phone... and this entire process was rearranging my chemical make-up... I could see it and feel it happening within me. I could feel the old insecurities that I would once bring into a union... dissipate and fade away (talk about healing thru the vibration of love!). I didn't even have to work at it.. it was simply happening as I allowed my own process to unfold without restriction.
And yesterday we met for the 2nd time... we once again spent 4 hours in the moment of 10 minutes... every part of our Beings alive with exchange... (we had lunch at a restaurant together for 4 hours). I felt absolutely free in his presence. Free about who I Am, Who I Was and Who I Am becoming.... and in that expression I also knew these things about him...
It wasn't until I returned home did I even realize the level of exchange we had at that restaurant. When I walked into my house.. I felt like I was being squeezed into a little box.. that had a slow heavy drag to it.
My whole Being was osculating at such an intense vibration... I no longer even fit into my home... the vibration of my home was slow... cumbersome and very restricting. I have never felt this before... this is the very place I meditate, do readings, teach courses... I would have never foreseen the restrictedness of my own dwelling... until Frank gave me the gift of HimSelf... and expanded with me.
And so, I waited til my vibration slowed down... and I could feel it in the core of my solar plexus... spinning at a rate of speed I have never physically experienced... and allowing the process to do what it needed to do so I can once again return to the mundane.....
I felt the energy move up to my heart chakra as the rate of speed (information) slowed down... and I could feel the breath of my lungs gasp with each osculation... and as it mingled thru my Whole Body... my vibration returned to what I had been accustomed to... and I spent the rest of the day and evening simply Being in Love and allowing it to reach my consciousness in expression and understanding.
And then I faded off to sleep....
When I awoke... I could not write a thing. I felt like there was something my consciousness needed to expand into yet it was not coming out in writing. So I went into meditation...
And wow weezers... the question that has been on my heart for 16 years... was answered in a moment.
Why do we fall in love... and why do we fall out of love?
Our soul journey into the physical is to re-member who we are. That's it.. the big mystery of life (smile). As we move thru this crazy little thing we call live... every person, every experience... every breath is there to help you re-member you are... and who you want to be. Even the most unconscious person is going thru this process... everyone is.
We attract into our Oneness of being people who will help us understand ourselves more intimately... who will help us to re-member who we are and what we are capable of. They too are seeking the same thing.. and then worlds collide...
And the union is formed... and each breath you take together brings you into an even greater expansion of Who you.. individually and together (since we are not separate to begin with). The more you learn of who you are... the more you want to know more about yourself... and this continues for ever.
When two people come together and are continually learning, expanding, seeking in that Oneness of each other... the moments never fade.. they become grander... and deeper awareness of the soul is revealed in each expanded breath together...
When one person stops expanding... becomes comfortable in a space and does not wish to seek further... the chemical reaction that created this Holy Union... starts to change. The chemical reaction of the intense learning together was put to a halt... and so the counter part will react to that...
And the expanded energy fields of the Oneness (two people in a relationship) start to disconnect... one retracts so much the other can no longer feel their Oneness.... the union in which the relationship started.
And the once intense relationship has what we call become broken... separate.. because one stopped seeking to know themselves on a higher level.... they became comfortable with their present moment... and now that energy must seek out its counterpart and remove itself from the expanded energy.
This is not to be looked at as right or wrong, good or bad... it simply is. Perhaps the only way one can truly experience themselves fully... in re-mebering who they are.. is with another... the first relationship has gone as far as it could go...
We try and live in such a restricted world and become entangled in the mis-guided teachings that love is forever... which it is... but the experience of Self Realization is an ongoing process... and will always seek a higher union with Self.
Isn't it peculiar when one first experiences the presence of love connecting and co-mingling with our presence of love we call the process... which for the physical body is a chemical process.. for the spirit.. it is a re-membering process... we call this process Falling In Love.
In a way... we are falling... like walking off the edge of the cliff into the obis of the unknown... the yet unexperienced... and into the potential of the freefall of the event.
And then we land... and feel... and experience... and truly in ever aspect of the term... are In Love.
Love is our purest form of Who We Are. Our Love in the physical form is constantly seeking out others that vibrate to that Love frequency and our intention in this human body, in the loving experience of life... is to attract to us those who will help us more clearly re-member who We Are in body and in spirit. With this experience, I am going to use me (lisa..smile) as the example...
I can firmly stand in my own Presence and state with clarity... I know Who I Am on all levels of Being. However, knowing Who I Am in this moment does not allow me the experience of experiencing Being Who I Am on all levels. And so, from that deepest, purest part of myself... I started to send out signals (actually demands,...smile) about 4 months ago... about August of 2006) of wanting to express who I am to learn more of my physical expression of Who I Am and what the Physical Expression... when joined with the presence of another would unleash with potential.
And so.. that vibration was felt... met, and acted upon by a soul named Frank.
Thru a few phone conversations (we had not met yet at this point, his first contact was via phone)... I could see and feel my own chemical make-up start to change. I could feel my very Being excited with each moment of conscious exchange with him (phone calls). I knew something bigger was happening... and the one thing I know if it is happening to me, it has to be happening to him too.
We thought we were merely forming a business alliance... lol, in a sense isn't that what all relationships really are? The end result being Awareness of Self, even if it is unconsciously. You have created a new product together... You.
He came into my world in Sept of 2006 and we met for the first time Nov of 2006 with many phone calls in between the span of time.... each experiencing this oneness that was happening... the re-union of soul energy (even as it was unconsciously).
When we met... some how 4 hours slipped away in the feeling of 10 minutes... the conversation and excitement never fell to a lull... it expanded and moved outward with every beat of the heart....
And we talked more on the phone... and this entire process was rearranging my chemical make-up... I could see it and feel it happening within me. I could feel the old insecurities that I would once bring into a union... dissipate and fade away (talk about healing thru the vibration of love!). I didn't even have to work at it.. it was simply happening as I allowed my own process to unfold without restriction.
And yesterday we met for the 2nd time... we once again spent 4 hours in the moment of 10 minutes... every part of our Beings alive with exchange... (we had lunch at a restaurant together for 4 hours). I felt absolutely free in his presence. Free about who I Am, Who I Was and Who I Am becoming.... and in that expression I also knew these things about him...
It wasn't until I returned home did I even realize the level of exchange we had at that restaurant. When I walked into my house.. I felt like I was being squeezed into a little box.. that had a slow heavy drag to it.
My whole Being was osculating at such an intense vibration... I no longer even fit into my home... the vibration of my home was slow... cumbersome and very restricting. I have never felt this before... this is the very place I meditate, do readings, teach courses... I would have never foreseen the restrictedness of my own dwelling... until Frank gave me the gift of HimSelf... and expanded with me.
And so, I waited til my vibration slowed down... and I could feel it in the core of my solar plexus... spinning at a rate of speed I have never physically experienced... and allowing the process to do what it needed to do so I can once again return to the mundane.....
I felt the energy move up to my heart chakra as the rate of speed (information) slowed down... and I could feel the breath of my lungs gasp with each osculation... and as it mingled thru my Whole Body... my vibration returned to what I had been accustomed to... and I spent the rest of the day and evening simply Being in Love and allowing it to reach my consciousness in expression and understanding.
And then I faded off to sleep....
When I awoke... I could not write a thing. I felt like there was something my consciousness needed to expand into yet it was not coming out in writing. So I went into meditation...
And wow weezers... the question that has been on my heart for 16 years... was answered in a moment.
Why do we fall in love... and why do we fall out of love?
Our soul journey into the physical is to re-member who we are. That's it.. the big mystery of life (smile). As we move thru this crazy little thing we call live... every person, every experience... every breath is there to help you re-member you are... and who you want to be. Even the most unconscious person is going thru this process... everyone is.
We attract into our Oneness of being people who will help us understand ourselves more intimately... who will help us to re-member who we are and what we are capable of. They too are seeking the same thing.. and then worlds collide...
And the union is formed... and each breath you take together brings you into an even greater expansion of Who you.. individually and together (since we are not separate to begin with). The more you learn of who you are... the more you want to know more about yourself... and this continues for ever.
When two people come together and are continually learning, expanding, seeking in that Oneness of each other... the moments never fade.. they become grander... and deeper awareness of the soul is revealed in each expanded breath together...
When one person stops expanding... becomes comfortable in a space and does not wish to seek further... the chemical reaction that created this Holy Union... starts to change. The chemical reaction of the intense learning together was put to a halt... and so the counter part will react to that...
And the expanded energy fields of the Oneness (two people in a relationship) start to disconnect... one retracts so much the other can no longer feel their Oneness.... the union in which the relationship started.
And the once intense relationship has what we call become broken... separate.. because one stopped seeking to know themselves on a higher level.... they became comfortable with their present moment... and now that energy must seek out its counterpart and remove itself from the expanded energy.
This is not to be looked at as right or wrong, good or bad... it simply is. Perhaps the only way one can truly experience themselves fully... in re-mebering who they are.. is with another... the first relationship has gone as far as it could go...
We try and live in such a restricted world and become entangled in the mis-guided teachings that love is forever... which it is... but the experience of Self Realization is an ongoing process... and will always seek a higher union with Self.