Conscious Living Now

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Healthy food? First we need healthy air!

Ok, we know that fat laden, chemically processed food is completely void of anything nutritious. But what about the foods labeled healthy or nutritious. What exactly are we consuming when think we are eating healthy?

If you happen to make enough money to buy organic foods you think they are chemical and pesticide free, but are they? In our air there are tons of toxins and chemicals floating around. As these toxins and chemicals and other things that simply don't belong in our air float around they actually do land and take up residence where they landed. Yup, even in the fields of our organic farmers. Granted we are not eating near as much pollution and debris as our cheaper mass producing farmers, but we are eating these things even when we pay top dollar for them.

Our air has become foul. No matter what corner of the world you go to, there is pollution looming around in the air, on the dirt, blades of grass and our water supplies. We breath these toxins, eat these toxins and wonder why we are consistently sick. Asthma is on the rise, cancer is on the rise, and diseases we never knew existed are coming into existence. Granted most of these illnesses are blamed on cigerette smoking, both first hand and second hand, and people are buying it, but what makes me raise an eye brow is why people aren't questioning the air we breath period?

Why is it we are so willing to turn a blind eye to all the toxins in the air, and eventually on and in the food we consume, but yet stomachs turn and tempers flair when someone lights up a smoke.

I am currently living in Newport News Virginia (USA). I landed here in August of 2005 and it seems one of the things I had to say goodbye to was the stars in the sky. Every now and again there is a spatter of stars here and there, but the incredible constallation that I came to know and love in Vermont... gone! Too much pollution to look thru. And lucky me gets to breath the air here, not to mention my kids, neighbors and every other living thing. And to think Vermont used to issue smog alerts... if Virginia did we would be on alert 24/7.

We will never truely be able to eat healthy until we are able to breath healthy air. But of course, there are only a hand full of us that even complain about the air we breath, and even fewer of us doing anything about it!

Anyway... just venting.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 a year of extremes!

I feel that 2006 is going to be one incredible year for many people. We are going to find two very opposite things happening. The worst of the worst (humanly speaking of course) and the best of the best. These extremes will happen both on a global scale as well as a personal scale.

My first impulse is to warn people to make sure their "house" is in order, but that should have already been done by now. Today's energy is seeing what "is" at this moment in time. Now so much what could be. We have known these times were coming for a very long time. We have had ample time to do some inner house cleaning, both personally and globally. Now we get to reap what we have created in indisputable and unmistakable ways.

On personal levels, if your life is spent thinking of others, doing selflessly whatever you can to be a positive contributing factor to life, enjoy the ride that 2006 has in store for you... It will be fabulous!

However, if you are a person who is self absorbed and thinks only of oneself and ones interests, the universe will have a lot of lessons to teach you this year. If you take any situation that may adversely arise, and say, ok I need to change something about me... And take steps to change... The energetics of the year will tone down. If you don't, and tend to moan and groan in a "why me or a cussed way"... Watch out, it will only get amplified.

To be continued...