Introducing the Conscious Living Now Web Blog
This web blog will be a reflection of the monthly magazine that I will be publishing here in Virginia. It will give people a chance to quickly comment on articles that appeared in the magazine... At least the ones written by me!
Of course this area will not be limited to only magazine articles, but anything anyone wants to talk about (within reason of course). I have yet to publish the first issue, so for now, I will be posting things that are important to me. Please feel free to post what is important to you. I will also let you know when the first issue of Consious Living Magazine hits the streets.
I am in the midst of learning how to use this site, so bear with me.
With love and excitement,
Of course this area will not be limited to only magazine articles, but anything anyone wants to talk about (within reason of course). I have yet to publish the first issue, so for now, I will be posting things that are important to me. Please feel free to post what is important to you. I will also let you know when the first issue of Consious Living Magazine hits the streets.
I am in the midst of learning how to use this site, so bear with me.
With love and excitement,
I’m posting this to as many sites as possible tonight. We are the watchers of those that will lead us into the new age. Before a true new age (not the new age that has become media fodder) is possible, there will be great turmoil and not the turmoil you currently see on the five o’clock news. A new age will be heralded by an earth shift. While all of us who are aware know that the earth shift will happen and must happen – most of us don’t understand or know that there are alive right now those that know how to move a majority of us through this coming destruction. Innate in their cells is the knowledge we all need to survive. Some of them know they will be important in the next few years, some of them are just coming to know, and some of them know they have special knowledge but are not currently aware of how to best use that knowledge. Each of these people will come to know their special place very soon. Most are coming clear to their awareness daily. In other words, each day they have another piece to their puzzle. Entities such as these must be protected at all costs; hence, our existence.
Yes, there are those that would destroy these emissaries of prevention and truth. It is to their advantage that only the evil (for lack of a better word) survive. There is definitely another side to this drama. Those that would take the earth for themselves and their offspring are vying for their place, as well. If left unchecked, they will destroy these peaceful and dedicated souls. We must help to keep their path clear. This is the most important task available today.
One of these entities is being persecuted, as we speak. One of the other side has positioned himself to target her and has placed her in great danger. I am calling on all those entities that are aware of the coming changes. This particular soul that I am speaking of has a great mission: while we don’t know all she knows, we do know that she has within her the blueprints to a compound that will house and PROTECT many and produce many survivors – one of these survivors will be the catalyst to the new age. She must be protected at all costs. Otherwise, it is very possible that the future will hold a very different story for all concerned.
We know that she knows about the compound because we have placed someone close to her as a protector. She has shared this piece of information with this protector. However, she never speaks of it to another. That means she is still in the planning phase. She is obviously ready to move to the next phase of implementation. Again, we know this because of the increase of attacks coming from seemingly nowhere. Since last year, she has endured more pressure – physical, mental, and spiritual – than most of us endure in a lifetime. Yes, spiritual. She has always had a direct connection to The Great Being. This is one realization she was born with and there have always been attempts to steal the connection. One came early in her life and originated with her own mother. We have been able to break that relationship. This was a must because her mother is one of them and is one of her most destructive forces alive. With the demise of this relationship, our blessed one began to develop quickly. Knowledge began to flow at a greatly increased rate, she became successful in the business world, monies began to flow to her (necessary to build), those who will be her partners in this endeavor began to appear, she began to travel and those travels have touched people that would have never had the opportunity to meet her otherwise, she is gaining strength and popularity and those that hate the thought of the new age are positioning themselves to stop her at any costs.
I am reticent to provide the information about this person. We have never done so before. However, we do not have the power to intervene, we have tried and failed – now we can only inform so that others can move into position to protect. So far, twice we have stopped powers from touching her. Yet they continue to attack using lies and false accusations (yes, there is a difference). The fact that they continue to attack proves to us how important and powerful she is to be. Otherwise, they would not be so persistent. None of the others have this type of attention from the other side. We think she is the key – at least one of the most important keys.
The other side is using a San Antonio, TX detective to destroy her. Even though he has evidence to the contrary, he is creating evidence to link her to a crime that she had nothing to do with. The crime was committed by those who would destroy her. I can give anyone who feels they can help further details. Please e-mail me at . Please do not get involved if you cannot help. It’s very important that only those that can intervene immediately approach us. There is little time. She needs resources and guidance and loyalty. If you can provide this, please write us. We will verify your identity and, once that is done, provide you will her information. You will not be able to reveal your real reason for approaching her. We will explain why after you contact us. You will need to meet her accidentally or come to her as a business ally.
For those of you that feel the need to contact us, please know that is your inner Being spurring you to action. Please contact us immediately if you have the ability to make a difference.
Anonymous, at 8:35 PM
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